Main Page

I had some pretentious nonsense here before that I still agree with, but to sum up:

Having your own space on the internet is paramount in an age where it’s Starbucked to hell and more centralized than the CIA. Why? Because it’s yours. Look:

I picked an image from my Devil May Cry folder and slapped it there. Why? I like DMC. I think that one’s funny, actually. Will it be taken down? No. I run the website. Hell, when resources allow I self-host this place. Maybe I want to let people comment on the picture? Maybe not?

That’s why your own slice of the internet is important. It isn’t even really ‘a slice of net pie’ as much as it’s your own data that you’re allowing to be publicly accessible. Sure, barely anyone will read this, but that isn’t the point. This website is my secret garden, a place that I can enjoy as I see fit, and allow people to see as I see fit.

To that end, expect a lot of inane rambling and frankly, boring commentary. I think it’s fascinating, but I do it for me. If people happen to enjoy it, then I’m pleased I’m attracting like-minded (or at least open-minded) individuals.

Alright, what I had here before had one good part. “‘Color Theory’? No, I will put bright yellow letters on a white background, and use exclusively ‘Courier New’ in my blogs.” Goddamn right I will (or just not use punctuation at all)
