Character Journals

Largely done for fun, occasionally to help me get into the mindset of a character I either write or role-play with. Some of the ‘better’ ones I’ll post here, or any that are as close to complete as they can reasonably get. They’re entirely unedited unless otherwise specified and written for an audience of me, myself, and I; however, if you’re like me and enjoy reading lengthy, tanget-filled ramblings of created characters then this should be right up your alley.

Dragon Age: Origins


Re-imagined in the setting of Dragon Age as the scion of the Cousland family, thrust into a war previously thought unthinkable after losing everything she held dear.


Adjusted from her primary incarnation to become a member of Ferelden’s Circle of Magi. An odd one even among her fellow mages, loyalty to her friends coupled with foul magics are the push needed to bring her out into a strange, hostile world–no matter how good her intentions may be.

Mass Effect

Edited: ME1 | ME2 | ME3
Unedited: ME1 | ME2 | ME3

The reason why my most recent playthrough of the trilogy clocked in at over 275 hours total (without multiplayer.) I treated the journal as a combination of post-mission reports, venting, and exploring the character I created as I went through the game. The ones marked Edited were cleaned up by me to make sure there’s nothing that’d cross any lines of taste; there’s no outright smut, but I freely admit I let my mind wander more than a few times while playing. Also, my standard of ‘it’s not THAT bad’ may be off as I have actually written a shitload of smut in the past. If you want to see everything I wrote, check the Unedited ones.
