Diceroll Combat System (DCS) Overview


World of Warcraft is a game that takes all kinds. People who want to push the limit of what they can do on their own, or banding together to take down foes they can’t handle on their own. Some engage with the economy of the game, making vast fortunes within—or losing it all. Others still write stories of all types, seeking to immerse themselves within Azeroth and bring their characters to life. This last method of playing the game is commonly called RP (Role-Play).

As befitting a game with ‘War’ in the name, combat is a central part of the gameplay—this very much extending into RP. Many systems have been designed over the lifespan of World of Warcraft to facilitate this; some have nearly as much depth as tabletop RPGs (Role-Playing Games) like Dungeons & Dragons; others keep things simple and streamlined to not detract from the experience of collaborative storytelling. This DCS (Diceroll Combat System) is intended to get the best of both worlds by letting the in-game numbers and calculations be the basis. The DCS itself parses these numbers into more easily digestible ones, and acts as a conversion framework for spells and abilities to be utilized in the DCS without bogging users down with questions that slow the pace of combat to a crawl, or detract from the RP.

