Category: Politics

  • Debate Debacle

    Full disclosure: I’m writing this coming off of the unmitigated dumpster fire that was the presidential debate held earlier tonight. The imbibing of spirits may be a contributing factor. This debate was intended to be something different. Changed rules, a focus on the candidates, no nonsense cheering and impotent moderators. I was cautiously excited about…

  • A Prism of Political Debasement

    Today, my esteemed governor Jeff Landry decided to all but destroy the separation of church and state in Louisiana. That is no exaggeration; there’s little other ways that you can construe HB71 as anything but equating the importance of the Ten Commandments with the most core of foundational American documents, to be enforced in a…

  • UBI Needs Stability

    Universal Basic Income’s still a hot topic, even if it isn’t a major talking point of presidential candidates this cycle. It’s widely seen as the natural future of an economy that produces too much to charge, and a tool to help raise the floor of the average person’s quality of life. It’s not a quick-fix,…

  • The Future of Company Towns

    Earlier, I was listening to the March 21st episode of Preet Bahara’s Stay Tuned podcast. In it, he interviewed the founder of Sun Microsystems—spawn of Java, the Scourge of Programming—and current venture capitalist Vinod Khosla. Among many things discussed was a prediction made by Khosla: that in the next fifty to sixty years, we would…

  • An Ever-Growing Tide of Divisiveness

    While reading the news today, I came across an article about a literary magazine that pulled an essay from a UK-born Israeli woman that was chiefly about her experience in and perspective on the latest Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The essay’s contents are, as far as I can tell, thoroughly reasoned from any similarly reasoned perspective. In…

  • Looking to 2024

    It’s the final week of the year, and what a year it’s been! We started off strong, continued rising trends from previous years, saw the true strength of a nation, affirmed our long-term commitment to our allies and—oh, and our other allies too. No matter what! Let me immediately say that this is written to…
