Short Stories

Various works I’ve decided are presentable enough to post here; they’ll be sorted alphabetically and (if applicable) by primary character, but otherwise are presented as-is.


Violent Knowledge

An introductory story to the character of Randra Richaud, who was the identity of the paladin I used to play in World of Warcraft Classic. Fiery of hair and temper with a keen mind for alchemy (an interest that may threaten to overwhelm her devotion to the Light), the story follows her descent into a forgotten ruin.


Chasing Darkness

A brief glimpse into Zirdalen as a full-fledged necromancer, aiding a village under attack by demons. Written largely to get a more rounded perspective on her.


Zirdalen returning home–or to what’s left of it.

Solitary Disciplines

The origin story for Zirdalen, specifically the events that lead to her taking up the path of necromancy under the tutelage of her mentor and master, Sirkotu.


Eternity Unending

An ultra-short story written to explore the ‘Groundhog Day’ concept as something self-inflicted. The concept of ‘Eternity’s Wheel’ is just an alternative way of expressing the concept of the Wheel of Destiny, the Rota Fortuna or any other general idea of a metaphysical representation of existence including and beyond life and death.

Perception; Reality

A short science fiction story written to explore the concept of true artificial intelligence; the focus is on dialogue, the theme is how an AI with its limited perception of the world beyond its existence may interact with new experiences.

Risky Business

A short science fiction story that toys with the concept of a time loop, utilizing a pastiche of film noir imagery.

Terra’s Ascension

My first actual attempt to write a short story for fun, and not as part of an assignment or project. Fueled by an intense love of Isaac Asimov and an obsession with Mass Effect, it details the experience of a human far from home having become something much greater than what they once were. It was written over a decade ago, in a few hours, and is entirely unedited. One of these days I might revisit it so it’s not so embarrassing.

The Gilded Mirror

A story written long ago as an in-universe addendum to an existing setting, with a theme of how some things just may be too good to be true, even to those who may not deserve it. Heavily, heavily inspired by the Sisters of Mercy song ‘Lucretia, My Reflection.’
